Hi, I'm Christine Pope

I'm an experienced Naturopath and Nutritionist based at Elemental Health in St Ives, NSW. 

Over the last decade I have been researching and training in how to age well and I've discovered that there are key areas that you need to address in order to age outrageously well.

Subsequently my focus in clinic and with clients has shifted to focus on healthy ageing and reducing the impact of chronic disease.

Healthy ageing - with MORE FUN and LESS FATIGUE - is what I am most passionate about.

Which is exactly why I created my Ageing Outrageously 8 week program.

Would you like to have the energy you had 20 years ago? 

The 'Ageing Outrageously' Program is a practical health and wellbeing improvement course for over 50s that can increase your energy and vitality in 8 weeks!



Easy to understand.

Easy to implement.

Easy to track progress and results.



Managing Chronic Pain Webinar Series

Learn how to effectively manage chronic pain so you can get back to doing what you love!

This two part webinar will cover:

  • What chronic pain is and the key risk factors.
  • The latest research on treatment options.
  • Diets and foods that assist with reducing pain.
  • The value of exercise, cognitive behavioural therapy and bodywork.
  • Which bodywork therapy would work best for you.
  • How you can manage chronic pain more effectively.
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While you're here, be sure to follow me on Facebook and check out my Youtube Channel.